
Sell more
real estate
with strategic renovations

Explore the various programs and tools available for your business below, and discover that the best way to learn is through a quick introductory call.

Three solutions to stand out

Leverage Revive's Team for Strategic Decisions

Bring beautiful homes to market

Offer your clients' no money out of pocket upgrades to elevate their property value.

Increase leads & improve conversions
Increase home value (and commission) on avg ~33%
Save time & headaches dealing with contractors
Supercharge your listing preparation
Protect your client's with Revive's protection plan
Leverage Revive's Team for Strategic Decisions

2 checks for your client, 2 commissions for you.

Offer clients' a better alternative to wholesale, cash buyers with a unique two check solution.

Offer a solution to client's with an urgency to sell
Compete against cash offers
Sell your listing immediately and sell it again
Exclusively available through Revive
Leverage Revive's Team for Strategic Decisions

Help your buyers enhance their home

Offer your clients an easy and affordable home renovation experience to transform their home with a reliable partner.

Refer with confidence
Clients are covered by Revive's Protection Plan
Bring solutions to your buyer's
Financing options available
Referral Program available for agents
No Sneaky Fees with Revive Sell360

No sneaky fees with Revive

We charge a flat program fee of 6% and you don’t pay until closing.

Tools to supercharge your business

Unlock insights with AI

Generate detailed renovation plans and pricing strategies instantly with Vision AI.

Only available for agents

Marketing center

Create branded collateral in seconds in your Revive account by leveraging marketing center.

Access marketing center

Get referrals

Trusted agents obtain hot seller leads from Revive to supercharge their business.

Learn more

Ensuring your success

Our Agent Success Team can help you with any Revive product, whether you’re new to the platform or a seasoned agent looking to onboard and train your team.

Get in touch

Dedicated support

Have a question about your account, or looking for technical support?

Contact our support team

Revive mobile app

Powerful features to provide you with a simplified and stress free transaction experience

Download app

What Real agents have to say

I LOVE REVIVE! Looks amazing & always up to date with the process.

Hailee Haven

Hailee Haven

Real Estate Agent

I am excited to share this program with my clients. I feel that this product aligns very well with a niche in my market that I’d like to grow.

Tawanna Harding

Tawanna Harding

Real Estate Agent

Todd was knowledgeable and answered all my questions.

Sean Winkler

Sean Winkler

Real Estate Agent

Revive is changing the game!

Sharran Srivatsaa

Sharran Srivatsaa

Amanda was great! Laid all the information out and gave us everything we need to take to the client.

Jared Soares

Jared Soares

Real Estate Agent

As a newer agent, having Revive as a tool gives me so much confidence going into a listing presentation. I’m able to offer a unique solution to my clients and bring them a huge amount of value, and stand out against other agents.



Real Estate Agent